Few Things you Need to Know before having a Solar Energy Solution
With the growing need of opting sustainable energy solutions, many of us are choosing renewable energy sources since they are the only sustainable energy solutions.
So if you are someone who is getting a new solar energy solution for your place then you need to know following few things before the solar installation. Keep these things in mind before solar installation:
• Roof Situation
If you are looking forward to have roof solar panels then you need to consider various factors such as roof condition, angles, shade situation and all. It’s always recommended to consult a good solar company. Good solar company always analyzes the roof conditions on their before roof solar panel installation.
• Check up on upgrades
Before starting all the process, Start with an energy audit and search for productivity redesigns before you draw up outlines of project. Check for all the things you can do for increasing the efficiency of your solar energy solution.
• Time of Solar Energy Solution You want
There are two major groups in which you have to pick one, Photovoltaic which converts sunlight into electricity by using array of cells or thermal which uses direct sunlight for heating purposes.
• Type of Grid you want
Now you also need to decide whether you want an off-grid solar system or an on-grid solar system. The difference between two is that On-grid means your solar system is tied to your local utility’s GRID. Being off-grid means you are not connected in any way to your grid’s power system or utility company.
• Trustworthy Solar Company
It’s very important to have a solar company which understands all your needs properly and has a good communication with you in order to achieve best solar panel system