
Our Agricultural Solutions: Trust and Sustainability

Our Agricultural Solutions: Trust and Sustainability

We aim to provide “SUSTAINABLE FARMING “through renewable energy-based water supply for the agriculture sector in Pakistan.

There are many fertile lands where irrigation is impossible and costly due to non-availability of electricity, no transmission lines, and remote locations. We aim to facilitate farmers by providing them access to clean water for their crops through our Solar Tubewell Solutions. These solutions are a one-time investment resulting in a lifetime water supply through completely clean energy with no damage to the agricultural land.

This will in turn help to stabilize the agriculture-based Economy of Pakistan. Our robustly designed systems for the agricultural sector are built to withstand extreme weather conditions such as storms, rains, dust, soiling, etc and are impact resistant.

We also offer drip irrigation systems to complement our solar water pumps for improving the overall yield and efficiency of agricultural farms.