
Industrial Solar Solutions

Our Industrial Solutions : Trust & integrity

The severe electricity shortage in the country has increased the demand Solar Solution System in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s ongoing energy crisis and increasing electricity costs are not going to end anytime soon. Therefore, it is anticipated that there will be an increased demand for sustainable power-backup systems, especially solar systems.

Apart from the electricity shortfall, multiple reasons have contributed to the increase in demand for solar-powered systems in Pakistan. Key among them is a waiver of the 17% GST and five percent customs duty imposed on imported solar panel components and systems, is the reduction in the price of solar products. Other factors may include growing awareness about the benefits of alternative energy solutions and the increased availability of these products at affordable prices.

Solar offers energy security and independence to businesses. Whilst also reducing costs, hedging against market fuel price volatility, and reducing dependence on imported fuels.

DSG offers customized solutions for all your energy needs. Having successfully executed solar projects across Pakistan with project sizes ranging between 50kW to 2MW, our solar solutions can be set up in less than 3 months. Our definite edge lies in our expert know-how of, and access to, the most cutting edge top tier technology.