AJ MATCH – 510 Kw Case Study
In all the black clouds looming over Pakistan in the form of climate change; DS Global Pvt. Ltd. is the silver lining. DS Global working under the umbrella of DS Group of Companies is an
organization working on a two-dimensional approach; one is to providing renewable energy solutions and second to helping Pakistan in averting the climate catastrophe. DSG as a far sighted approach, and is succoring many industries to shift their industries’ energy to the more efficient leading to the zero carbon emission energy. DSG catches the sun bright.
By the same vein, every organization has its utmost priority to have big names on board and they glean maximum profit from it. Nevertheless, DS Global creates a win-win situation. DS Global is on the trajectory to make Pakistan’s atmosphere clean and on this journey DS Global takes pride to have one of the top-notch and oldest match stick making industries as its customer; AJ Match.
To encapsulate it all, customer satisfaction and the maximum profit of the customer are our prime responsibilities. DS Global the leading renewable energy company has a long way to go and a myriad of success stories to share. So, let’s catch the sun bright with DS Global.